Three Things That Television Crime Shows Get Wrong Every Time

Most people get their knowledge of the criminal justice system from television. They learn they have the right to remain silent and that they have a right to an attorney. However, people should never forget that television shows exist as entertainment, not to inform the public. So, when needed, the producers engage in dramatic license. Not everything seen on the screen happens that way in real life. Here are the top three things that television crime shows get wrong: [Read More]

3 Things To Know About Child Support Payments

If you are ending a marriage and there is a child involved, you may need to pay child support. This is the amount that is set by the court and can't be changed without the consent of the judge. This is to make certain the child is well provided for, despite the fact that the parents are getting divorced. Knowing certain facts about paying child support and how the amount is calculated may prepare you, if you are in this situation. [Read More]